Because I can be kind of an idiot and failed to listen to my wiser
"Unpaid Raid Advisor", I commited a major
faux-pas (actually closer to something that also starts with an "F", but instead ends with an "up") with the chain link recently. My motivation was to absolutely assure that hope would be available for the next balrog run, however the perception that it projected was something else entirely. What I did, whatever my reasons, was the wrong thing to do. I would like to apologize to everyone involved. The quest ring will not be kept and the chain will be used solely to provide hope for the next balrog run.
I know that everyone would like a shot at the chain link. It not only grants hope that makes the balrog fight much easier, but it also grants a teal ring (with a set bonus) and a title. I want everyone who comes with us on a regular basis to feel that they will eventually get the opportunity to get this.
I do however want to assure that the chain looted from our run is used to provide hope for our following balrog run. I also want to make sure that those that contribute most to getting to the balrog in the first place will be the ones that benefit from it.
I've tried to come up with the fairest criteria I could think of. These are not carved in stone. If anyone has any suggestions or input of any kind, please discuss it below. All relevant and thoughtful input will be considered with an open mind.
Also keep in mind that after the group has decided on a system and it's put in place, if anyone tries to come up with a loop-hole to take advantage of the system, no matter how clever, they will be complemented for their creativity, told no, and then thanked for their input to help clarify whatever it was they tried to exploit
Chain LinkThe following raid members will be eligible to opt to roll for the chain:
- Registered member of Knights Edge
- Have been present for at least two previous raid nights
- Present for the clearing to the Balrog that run (at least 3 bosses, not including the balrog, the twins counting as 1)
- Give their promise that the chain hope will be popped for the next Knights Edge Balrog run
- Accept that since the chain's quest grants a teal with a set bonus, that the chain will be considered their loot for the run
The primary goal here is that the system is fair to everyone, that those that contribute are those rewarded, and that everyone is aware of the method being used going in.